Thursday, January 31, 2013

Better Than Before ( #1)

This book was a cute read, though at times I wondered why the main character didn't just come out with the truth sooner. The book features brothers who are going into business together and Spence doesn't believe that true love can be found online because people lie continually at online dating sites. Making a bet he sets up two different accounts, one with his true self and one with a poorer self. He has to have so many dates with each name to win the bet. He won the first half quickly with his true name because he is a rich guy so the ladies swarmed him, but his poorer self didn't do so well so quick, then he meets Annie online. They exchange a series of emails and eventually calls that make him think maybe it could happen. Annie falls for him quickly but is worried because it isn't just her its her kids as well. When the truth comes out she is hurt he lied to her for as long as he did. 

The thing I hated about this book is that Spence made a bet to even start with. Yes, I understand there are a TON of liars online but to purposely misrepresent yourself to win a bet is mean. That poor woman fell for him being a certain way but then when the truth came out he was a totally different person. I'm surprised she forgives him at all. I would have wondered if he was lying everyday. 

I liked that Spence got along so well with her kids. He seems to be a good guy just a little confused and lonely.  The fact he is able to see that her son is being bullied goes well for him. I hate bullies and they are a menace really. That it was mentioned in this book made me like it more than I would have. 

I would rate this book a three out of five. 

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