Title: Blood Money
Author: Ali Parker
Publication Date: June 2015
Genre: Romance Thriller
Kate Jarrett has been around the block a few times, her life nothing more than a trail of failures. After her father dies she inherits the family bar, a place where she's accepted for who she is and loved for who she's not. Due to the location of her new establishment, a few friends from her past make themselves welcomed and death shows up at her door.
Jon Peterson is a seasoned officer for the NYPD, his record clean and eyes set on being the youngest captian in the hisgory of the force. When his little brother Adam turns up dead at a bar in the seedy side of town, Jon's focus shifts. Is Kate involved in what happend to Adam or a pawn in a much larger game? Not inerested in drama and hell-bent on justice mixed with revenge, Jon finds the one thing he never wanted--love.
Author Bio:
Ali Parker is a contemporary romance writer who is looking to flood the market this year with lots of great, quick reads. For those of you who love a full-lengthed novel, we'll be boxing up the serial trilogies into a box set a week after the last release.
We're looking forward to putting out both Baited, and Ali's latesst project, Jaded in the month of April.
Want to know when Ali releases something new? Join her mailing list!
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