Sunday, November 10, 2013


J. Kenner has done it again, she has created characters that are warm and alive! Evan is the gorgeous alpha male that has secrets but he isn't your typical bad boy, he wants to be good so badly it's sweet. Angie is a tormented soul who has wanted Evan since she was sixteen. Having suffered a tragic loss at a young age and now the loss of her uncle she is having issues. She too has her own secrets but that doesn't stop her from wanting Evan. When she figures out he wants her too, she begins a plan of seduction to have him no matter what. I tell you this book really was quite steamy and the characters amazing. The end leaves you wondering what will happen to certain people and makes you wish the next book were out already because I know there will be something in there about them. Anxiously awaiting the next installment and rating this one in at five stars!!

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